When purchasing an investment property, you generally have a short window to inspect the properties. Following this, you have the task of comparing all of the inspected properties to decide which one to buy. It can get overwhelming, especially if you are unsure of what you are looking for.
Here I share the checklist of things to look out for during inspections to aid your decision making, based on my experience of inspecting thousands of properties on behalf of my clients, as well as managing my property portfolio.
This checklist is not exhaustive but includes those things you might be unaware of, which could cost you in the future through maintenance, repairs or renovations.
It is not just about finding the property that will bring you a solid return on investment but also being the right fit for your future tenants.
Print the checklist (click here to download A4 PDF) and take it with you to every inspection to help you decide which one to purchase.

As a qualified property investment advisor, my goal is to minimise your risk and ensure you remain financially secure during the process and journey of creating long-term wealth through property investment. I have successfully assisted hundreds of clients across Australia to purchase existing dwellings, buy land and build on that land, secure townhouses, dual occupancy properties, apartments and take on small scale developments.
I can also introduce you to an A grade team of professionals, such as accountants, financial advisors, mortgage brokers, solicitors and property managers, to help you make informed and confident investment decisions.
To get started, email me at info@ekrproperty.com.au to book your 60-minute free strategy consultation session.